HOME ....................... Illiad ....................... Jenner ....................... Machiavelli

Sunday, December 19, 2010


We present to you Mosaic2newsletter.blogspot.com. Our inspiration comes from MSN and the World Wide Web in general. When you want to learn the first place most individuals look to is the internet. We use the internet to gain information for a variety of different subjects and things from planting, all the way to how to make a prototype gas powered go-kart. Our intended effect on our viewers is to educate. We wanted our viewers to grasp a small glimmer of the information that we experienced during our time in mosaics 2. The website is separated into a home, a page dedicated to Iliad, a page dedicated to Jenner and a page dedicated to Machiavelli. We have included pictures which we felt relevant to the text as well as articles which help our viewers grasp a better understanding of our thought process. I created the website through blogger which is a free hosting website that beginner website designers can use to create informational pages in an effort to express their opinions in reference to said context.

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